Most of not all
appointment reminder systems can be bucketed in one of two major categories –
on premise or cloud based. Each technology has its pros and cons.
On Premise Appointment Reminders
For enterprise-scale
customers, such as large hospital systems and I mean really large with 5-10
hospitals and thousands providers, an on-premise system might be a better
choice. It would run the system for several hundred thousand on a yearly basis
and minimize system integrator or IT provider related risks.
Cloud based appointment reminders
A cloud based system
would be a choice for smaller hospital systems and definitely the only cost
effective choice for groups and individual practices. There is no need to talk
much about benefits of cloud based appointment reminder system. Most practices
have already gone through the process of getting their Electronic Health
Records systems in place and cloud adoption is really high. The main advantage
for the practices is no need to keep, support and maintain all the infrastructure
required for an appointment reminder system to function, e.g. computers, phone
lines or IP trunks, monitoring software, and support personnel. It is much more
cost effective to pay a relatively low monthly fee, which ranges from $50 to
$300 per provider.
Hybrid or private cloud appointment reminders
There is a third option
available for Medium to large size hospitals – a private cloud. This is an
equivalent of outsourced cloud, but hosted in house. This usually entails
licensing fee paid to provider, but enables the hospital to have full control
over access and maintenance to the in house appointment reminders system.
As of time of this
article, the only known private cloud medical appointment reminders provider
was provided by IMG Residency. As the technology
has started making traction, more and more hospital CIO’s are looking into
private cloud appointment reminders systems. It provides same cost effective cloud
approach, but at the same time minimizes hospital exposure to the risks of
accidental information disclosure.